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    1. Tuesday 11 June at 18:30
      RSB for change - Energy fresco

      This workshop is organised in English.

    2. Tuesday 11 June at 12:30
      Club de Rennes x EDHEC Alumni

      Exclusive conference with Clara Benedini from Carbone 4 This event is organised in French, please switch to French version for further details.

    3. Wednesday 29 May at 19:00
      RSB for Change - Biodiversity Fresco Workshop

      Event in French In Paris, take part in a Fresque de la Biodiversité, a fun, scientific workshop to discover biodiversity, the pressures on it and the consequences of its erosion....

    4. Thursday 25 April at 09:00
      The Sustainable Learning Conference

      As a CSR or HR professional, you may be willing to take part in the 2nd edition of the Sustainable Learning Conference by the Corporate University Club in partnership with ESCP on...

    5. Tuesday 16 April at 18:30
      Inter réseau - Sustainable finance: making sense of your investments

      Take part in an inter-school workshop (EDHEC, HEC, ESSEC, ESCP, Rennes SB) organised in Rennes by the EDHEC Alumni chapter on sustainable finance. Antoine LEURENT, EDHEC Alumni...

    6. Tuesday 02 April at 19:00
      RSB For Change - Round table / debate

      Plant-based nutritionIn Paris, discover the bright future of plant-based food at our next round table! Ask all your questions about this gourmet, ethical and ecological way of eating. We invite you to...

    7. Tuesday 13 February at 19:30
      Your vision of sustainable development for 2024 and beyond; let's take action

      Event in French The RSB for Change club invites you to take part in its 2024 opening event, online, to share your ideas for events in the coming year. Programme: Background on...